Modifying the Sign Feature


By default, DocAssist allows documents to be converted to pdf and placed in an Outlook email ready to be sent to a recipient. If the electronic signature is enabled, the appropriate signature will also be added. It is possible to turn this feature off or modify the feature via the Signing Options in the settings.xml configuration file.

  • If <SignAndSend> is True (which is the default), then a pdf will be created and placed into an email.
  • If <SignAndSend> is False, then the <SignAndOpen> option becomes available.
  • If <SignAndOpen> is set to True then the PDF file is created and opened.
  • If <SignAndOpen> is set to False, then the Sign tab will no longer appear on the DocAssist pane.

Electronic signatures:

  • Must be named identical to the Active Directory login name for each author.  To check the correct login name for an author, run a test letter selecting the author and take note of the login name associated to the author.
  • Must be saved in jpeg format.
  • Must have a light background and also transparent (if allowing for overlapping of signature and text).
  • The recommended size of scanned signatures by default is 590 pixels wide (which allows for printing at 300DPI with the signature image being the default 5cm wide). This ensures the best quality and reasonable size. 

Customising electronic signatures

The default size of the electronic signatures can be customised. DocAssist is installed with a width of 5cm for electronic signatures, this means signatures are created with a 5cm width and the signature is reduced or increased within that ratio. However, you can change this setting to have a default height instead of default width (if most signatures are higher than wider, again the signature will be rescaled to the height selected, keeping ratio. Note, if you set both width and height, that measurement is static for all signatures and no ratio is applied.

It is also possible to allow for higher than wider electronic signatures (while using the default 5cm width setting) by adding additional white space to the width of the signature. For example, an image that is very tall and has a width of 919 pixels, can be readjusted by further expanding the width to approximately 1763 pixels (by additional white space being added to the image), the image then fits within the signoff area. Same image – just more white space to the right.

Electronic signatures can be customised with the below settings via Signature Configuration in the settings.xml configuration file.
