Release Notes

v1.2.1021 31/3/2024

  • Added Clippings options to GetVisible routine
  • Updated DocAssistUser.dotm to use GetVisible for Clippings and PrecedentLibrary options
  • Update Batch dialog
    • – Fixed scaling issues
    • – Added context menu with Select all, Clear all and Invert selection to Batch file list
    • – Set Batch file list to use a single click to select/deselect an item
  • Fixed issue with contact lookups within a repeater/repeater list/repeater table control

v1.2.1020 15/3/2024

  • Fixed scaling of date controls in the pane when screen scaling is greater than 100%
  • Fixed issue with Clause controls incorrectly being updated to text only (no formatting) during populate data routine
  • Added call to “ReloadClauses” are part of “StartAutomationFromPrecedent” routine to refresh clauses in precedents triggered from the Start button
  • Fixed issue with numbering losing the Restart Numbering setting when inserting clauses
  • Fixed issue with Edit button not triggering pane to show content controls
  • Fixed issue with Prompt button scale being incorrect and screen scaling greater then 100% after selecting the Edit button when editing a precedent
  • Fixed issue with screen scaling for Client and Matter Details tab
  • Fixed issue with Notes button appearing on the pane when no precedent notes are in the document
  • Changed caption on Optional Paragraph from TriState to Show “Unanswered” option. Added details to show what each option means, and dynamically updated default based on tag and settings.
  • Renamed Optional Paragraph “TriState” property to “ShowUnanswered” in config XML
  • Added “Include File” controls
  • Fixed missing paragraph when inserting an Optional Paragraph
  • Fixed issue with pane not updating when Optional and Select paragraphs options are changed
  • Fixed issue with optional paragraphs losing the connection to a valid control if the control was within another Select/Optional paragraph
  • Fixed issue with incorrect order of control dynamically added to the Prompt pane via a Select/Optional paragraph changing value
  • Added timer to ccMultiline control for updating the content control
  • Fixed issue where extended matter data would be lost if a field contained a vertical tab (soft return)
  • Updated MergeData routine default to initial XML datafield (instead of empty string) in case XML validation fails
  • Improved MergeData routine by adding XML validation to both inputs
  • Updated GetValue routine to replace vbVerticalTab with vbLF as vertical tabs are not support within XML
  • Updated GetContentControlValue routine to replace vbVerticalTab with vbLF as vertical tabs are not support within XML
  • Updated UpdateSelection routine to check that the merged XML contains a value (not a null or empty string) before writing data back
  • Added null/empty string validation plus a check to see if matter data has changed after the merge to all calls to writeback
  • Added Keep Checkboxes option to the Finalise dialog
  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraph showing an unhandled exception if an option was added that contained a content control without a tag
  • Updated layout of Batch Processing dialog. Improvements to form validation to ensure Process button is correctly enabled.

1.2.1019 15/02/2024

  • Fixed issue with disabled files within a batch appearing in list of available files for users
  • Added conditions to Repeaters, Repeater Tables and Repeater Lists
  • Fixed tab order in Edit Repeater, Edit Repeater Table and Edit Repeater List dialogs
  • Fixed issue with some documents not automatically closing when created via a batch
  • Fixed issue where the incorrect document was created in a batch when some documents within the batch have been disabled by the administrator and their order number is less than the enabled documents
  • Updated UpdateConditions to include Repeaters, Repeater Tables and Repeater Lists
  • Added UpdateConditions to UpdateContentControl routine so conditions are processed on selection change
  • Changed Batch History group description so date is at the start. Now history appears in date order with newest at the top
  • Updated Batch to refresh/update clauses
  • Fixed issue with prompt closing when populating data is running, causing the pane to no longer update
  • Updated navigation button and dropdown to turn off the prompt if it is displayed
  • Updated Email PrecedentBank (CreateNewEmail) to enforce email format to RTF
  • Updated PopulateData to restore selection and to scroll in to view on completion
  • Fixed issue with size of main controls on the pane when screen scaling is greater than 100% (finally!)
  • Fixed issue with setting not applying to documents saved locally (not within a DMS)
  • Added setting to allow for only updating the footers within the footers only when a document has been updated. This is to address an issue with the document updating when a user only opened it to view it, and it contains fields within the footer. This in turn causes the SAVEDATE field to update elsewhere within the document.
  • Added GroupName and GroupSelection options to Batch Processing Administration to allow for repeating documents for each member of a group
  • Updated batch processing to check for Description to use as document name when saving
  • Updated batch processing to allow for content control values to be used in file names
  • Added RemoveIllegalFileNameChars function to Utilities to strip illegal file name characters from a string
  • Updated batch processing to ensure file names are always valid by using RemoveIllegalFileNameChars function. Document names used in the DMS are unaffected (i.e. they can still contain any characters)
  • Fixed issue with controls with IndexSyncGroup value set not updating if there was no corresponding group configured
  • Added additional check for content controls showing the placeholder text to see if there is corresponding data as part of PopulateData routine

1.2.1018 24/1/2024

  • Fixed issue with Author control and prompt buttons not appearing in prompt pane and splash screen remaining onscreen when an editor turns on the pane first and then presses Initialise DocAssist on a new blank document
  • Fixed issues with calculations in money controls not working when the control is within the prompt pane
  • Added all Partner Office attributes to matter data object
  • Added additional Partner Assistant attributes (ID, Initials, First Name, Last Name, Position, Mobile, Email)
  • Fixed issue with Client and Matter details tab not correctly showing Author and Office details when no matter is specified
  • Performance optimisations for Client and Matter details tab
  • Updated Client and Matter Details to show extended user and office data values
  • Fix Date and Time format in Add Control dialog
  • Improvements to Batch Processing administration
  • Add Edit Matter Types dialog
  • Add Edit Matter Types option to Batch Processing administration tab
  • Added DaysInYear and DaysInFinYear functions to calculations
    • – Accepts either a year or a date as a parameter
    • – Fin Year is Australian financial years, 1 July to 30 June. FY24 is 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, and any date within that range would return 366 as 2024 is a leap year)
    • – DaysInYear(2023) will return 365, DaysInYear(4/5/2024) will return 366
    • – DaysInFinYear(2023) will return 365, DaysInFinYear(2024) will return 366
    • – DaysInFinYear(4/5/2023) will return 365, DaysInFinYear(6/7/2023) will return 366
    • – DaysInFinYear(4/5/2024) will return 366, DaysInFinYear(6/7/2024) will return 365
  • Fixed issue with calculations that contain multiple date calculations within a single formula
  • – Can now do calculations like
    • =[AnnualRates]/DaysInYear([SaleDate]) where AnnualRates is a money control for the annual rates on a property, SaleDate is a date control for the date of sale for the property
    • =[AnnualRates]/DaysInFinYear([SaleDate]) to do the same based on the financial year
  • Fixed issue with GetDocumentDetails not working in some instances when comparing the Document object – added additional check to compare based on Document.Fullname if Document object comparison fails
  • Fixed issue with money controls clearing out their value if unable to get the DocumentDetails object to writeback the updated/formatted value to the cache
  • Updated User Lookup controls to allow for Read Only controls
  • Updated User Lookup controls to automatically check for a matter data value to match the lookup index
  • Updated User Lookup controls to save the user relationship against the matter (the same as contacts) i.e. now updates the MatterUsers table
  • Updated Client and Matter Details tab to show Users associated with the matter
  • Updated Populate Data to populate all user lookup controls regardless of tag and whether the control exists. This means you can populate user data within the document without having an actual lookup control within the document.
    • – Add a user lookup control, then delete it from the document. Add the other user controls. Then as long as either the User exists against the matter (with the same lokup index/relationship) OR there is a value within the matter data for that relationship (that contains a valid user id) then the user details with populate.
  • Added SaveMatterUsers setting to control whether Users are saved against the matter. Default is False. Set to True to write users back to the MatterUsers table.
  • Fixed issue with calculations not updating correctly within a repeater when editted directly within the document (instead of in the repeater control within the pane)
  • Removed Value and Default Value options from Contacts and Users in the Add/Edit Control dialog
  • Fixed calculation of money totals in formulas where values are rounded to the nearest dollar and the total is greater than 2,147,483,647. Previously caused an overflow error in NCalc. Values with no cents were rounded to integers, and maxed out at 32 bit. Money values are kept to 2 decimal places regardless now, and NCalc calculations them correctly now.
  • Fixed multiplication totals for groups ([*] values)
  • Updated Prompt button to return to prompt/automation tab if active tab is the Client and Matter Details tab
  • Updated ToXML function in Settings to add Contact and User data. Now creates all matter tags correctly.
  • Updated Settings GetValue to look for _Count values if no value found for .Count
  • Fixed issue with Author and Partner not updating when a new matter is selected on an existing document
  • Fixed issue with Decontruct Repeater option if the content control is locked (read only)

1.2.1017 1/12/2023

  • Added check for optional paragraphs to only hide if they are in their own paragraph (allows for optional paragraphs to be at the end of a line without hiding the other text)
  • Removed right click context menu for document from Precedent Library
  • Fixed issue with Client and Matter details in pane not displaying if the matter contained a contact that didn’t have a relationship specified
  • Updates to Batch Processing dialogs
    • – Added the ability to double click the document name or document id to open the document via the History tab
    • – Added the ability to double click the source document id to open the precedent/source document via the History tab
    • – Updated grouping title in History tab
  • Fixed issue with controls with a DefaultValue set not caching their value
  • Improved caching for controls with Value or DefaultValue set
  • Fixed issue with Matter Lookup dialog incorrectly trying to convert Matter Type when blank is returned (double click in Matter Lookup was no longer working)
  • Fixed issue with Work 10 footer not updating in some circumstances
  • Added Batch Editor role
  • Set DocAssist to not initialise if the Word Application is not visible. All Word events now just exit.
  • Added setting. Set to True to enabled batch processing. Default is False (disabled)
  • Added GetVisible function to utilities which can be used to determine which options are visible on the ribbon via VBA
  • Update Client and Matter details to not show NetDocuments attributes that are blank.
  • Updated Batch Processing dialog to deselect the matter folder if a specific destination folder is selected.

1.2.1016 17/11/2023

  • Updated Edit Repeater List dialog to extend range by word if selection runs across a content control
  • Fixed Rename/Update Control option to allow for renaming content controls within a group
  • Updated ClearContentControl routine to also reset/clear dropdown content controls
  • Added Name as a default attribute for Contact and User Groups
  • Fixed sizing issue with Edit Groups dialog
  • Fixed issue with DocAssist Copy/Paste option not working for Repeater Lists and Repeater Tables
  • Fixed issue with ClientContact and BillingContact were not populating if the Matter didn’t have a ClientContact or BillingContact specified, but an existing ClientContact or BillingContact relationship existed. Also added mapping for ClientBillingContact.
  • Fixed issue with Conditions in Optional Paragraphs incorrectly returning 0 instead of blank strings
  • Moved Time and Date formats to the settings.xml file as a CSV (elements with commas must be quoted)
  • Group attributes will default to “Name” if none can be found when populating data
  • Clippings and Precedent Library dialog updated so the preview doesn’t pause the UI
  • Preview handler “Open” is now async

v1.2.1015 3/11/2023

  • Updated RepeaterTable to support multiple repeating rows
  • Added new setting to control whether a non-managed document footer is updated. The footer text will not be updated if the existing text matches this Regex. If not specified the footer uses the following 2 locks by default “\d+[.vV]\d+[a-zA-Z]?” for iManage and “[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}(.\d+)?” for NetDocuments
  • Updated UpdateFooter routine to re-save the document if the footer is updated if the document was not already “dirty” (previously it would reset the Document.Saved property instead) This addresses issues where the wrong footer was appearing in email attachments etc.
  • Fixed issue with Optional Paragraphs with radio button layout in the prompt pane defaulting to Yes when they were Unanswered
  • Updated Optional Paragraphs with radio button layout in the prompt pane to support the Unanswered option
  • Fixed tab order of Add Optional Paragraph dialog
  • Fixed issue with Table Repeaters without a summary row not working
  • Fixed issue with UpdateDefaultValues not correctly auto-matching repeater sum values. Repeater sums/totals will automatically recalculate when any attributes are updated.

v1.2.1014 27/10/2023

  • Updated Client and Matter details to show Document Details correctly for NetDocuments
  • Fixed issue with calculations that contain more than one tag and one of those tags is a repeater tag (i.e. contains [#])
  • Deprecated automatic creation of precedent documents feature as it was too unreliable when checking in documents with Work 10
  • Removed , , settings
  • Removed , , , , settings
  • To enable automatic detection of precedent/template documents for iManage, set the or setting
  • Added setting to specify the precedent/template Workspace location in iManage (instead of using a separate database) (can also use )
  • Added Workspace Name attribute to Client and Matter details for iManage documents
  • Automatic detection of precedents/templates now enabled for NetDocuments – allows for the Start button to appear in the pane automatically for all NetDocuments documents contained in the specified cabinet
  • Added setting to allow for specify the cabinet in NetDocuments for precedents (can also use )
  • Added settings to allow for specifying which profile attributes in NetDocuments are for precedents. If all attributes match then the document is considered a precedent.
  • Cleaned up Document Details within Client and Matter Details tab in the pane
  • Now shows which DMS was detected
  • Only shows values appropriate to the detected DMS
  • Cleaned up the Client and Matter Details tab in the pane to no longer show blank values
  • Fixed cleanup of Clauses to remove extra carriage return at the end of the content control
  • Updated Clause control to keep content control range selected after updating
  • Fixed issue with Clause name not appearing by default in Add/Edit Clauses dialog
  • Fixed padding/alignment of Multiline Text controls in the prompt pane
  • Fixed padding/alignment of Date controls in the prompt pane
  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraph not updating all instances of the same control within the document
  • Fixed issue with formatting of multiple instances of Select Paragraphs
  • Fixed issue with Dropdown controls not updating correctly in the pane if there is a second instance of Word open (control incorrectly reports that the placeholder is showing)
  • Updated “DocAssist_Hide” style to use “Normal” as the base style to assist with removing numbering from hidden paragraphs
  • Updated Repeaters, Repeater Lists and Repeater Tables to update the document configuration to include individual control configurations for each control that is created. This helps with calculations and formulas within repeaters.
  • Updated AddinUtilities.UpdateControls to call UpdateDefaultValues for all control types (instead of just Money controls)
  • Updated timers for updating text controls from 300ms to 1000ms (now that they call UpdateDefaultValues)
  • Updated UpdateDefaultValues to find nested calculations within repeaters
  • Updated Navigation controls to skip Optional Paragraphs with a condition when the filter is on
  • Fixed Navigation Move Next/Move Previous to stop at Repeater/Repeater List and Repeater Table control if the count is 0 and the filter is on
  • Updated to Telerik 2023.3.1010

v1.2.1013 16/10/2023

  • Updated dynamic hyperlinks to support tags within the Text To Display
  • Added ClientData to GetDetails, so now extended client data is supported natively
  • Fixed %Operator% and %OperatorName% properties with iManage Work 10 integration (as used in DocID/Footers)
  • Added logging options to the registry instead of needing the NLog.config file in the installation directory (NLog.config file is still supported too)
  • – HKCU\Software\DocAssist, create a DWORD value called Logging. Supports the following values:
    • 0 Trace
    • 1 Debug
    • 2 Info
    • 3 Warn
    • 4 Error
    • 5 Fatal
    • 6 Off (or delete the value)
  • Expanded matter contacts to show additional attributes in the Client and Matter Details tab
  • Added ContactAutoLookup setting to control whether contacts will do a lookup automatically (and force the user to select a contact) Default value is True.
  • Deprecated the PrecedentNotes option in the settings file
  • Fixed the PrecedentDatabaseCaption and PrecedentDatabaseNotes options in the settings file to display in the pane when a precedent is viewed
  • Updated PopulateData to enable the DocAssist pane if it’s required
  • Added setting to control the length of time in milliseconds to wait before closing the source precedent when creating a new document from a precedent automatically when opened. This prevents an error in iManage when doing a File, Open of a precedent (error didn’t occur when opening files from browser or recently used list) Default value is 1000. Set to 0 to not use the timer when closing the document.
  • Added PopulatingData property to DocumentSettings class, and added checks for it in Repeater and RepeaterList controls to help speed up processing recursive controls
  • Fixed issue with Repeaters not showing controls in the pane when only one attribute is configured
  • Added autocalculation of Group.Count value for Contact and User groups
  • Updated Repeaters to update optional paragraphs with conditions set based on the group name
  • Updated Repeaters to update controls with .Count tags based on the group name
  • Added ContentControls list to DocumentSettings (DocDetails) class
  • Added GetAllContentControls method to DocumentsSettings (DocDetails) class, which populates the ContentControls list property with all content controls across all valid story ranges for the document
  • Fixed issue with incorrect MatterIDCaption and MatterNameCaption being set
  • Added MatterPersonResponsibleCaption and ClientPersonResponsibleCaption settings and updated Matter Add/Edit, Matter Lookup and Client Add/Edit dialogs to use new captions
  • Updated captions in the Matter Add/Edit dialog to use the correct settings
  • Fixed issue with Matter Add not working (Enabled not set when calling MatterUpsert) Added setting Enabled value when calling MatterUpsert as part of Matter Add/Edit in case updated SP not applied
  • Updated MatterUpsert SP to set the Enabled value by default
  • Improved order of processing controls for calculations
  • Fixed Deconstruct Repeaters option for Table Repeaters
  • Fixed issue with Add Control not displaying correctly for controls within a repeater that are not configured as part of the group (e.g. Index and Ordinal)
  • Fixed issue with Ordinals and Indexes not updating correctly for Repeaters
  • Added OrdinalWord/OrdinalAsWord/OrdinalWords/OrdinalAsWords, OrdinalNumeric/OrdinalAsNumeric/OrdinalNumber/OrdinalAsNumber, IndexWord/IndexAsWord/IndexWords/IndexAsWords attributes to Groups and Repeaters
  • Updated Contact lookup to clear the name in the pane if the user removes the relationship or deletes the contact and then hits cancel in the lookup
  • Fixed issue with automatic contact lookup in the pane not adding the contact relationship to the matter
  • Fixed issue with formatting of money controls where the control was in a calculation using a date
  • Fixed issue with updating nested calculations
  • Fixed issue with calculations not clearing when one of the controls in the calculation is cleared
  • Fixed writeback for values with calculations that change
  • Fixed writeback checkbox not enabling the update button in the Add/Edit Groups dialog
  • Changed default state of writeback for groups in the Add/Edit Groups dialog to true
  • Fixed issues with Add/Edit Groups dialog not enabling the Update button when changing the value
  • Added setting to control whether money controls allow null values (if set to false, money controls will default to 0 in the pane) Default is True. User can press CTRL 0 or CTRL DEL to clear a money value in the pane, or they can select the entire value and press delete.
  • Added setting so that calculations where a tag contains a null value it will assume the value is 0. This is used to makes Totals/Sums still work when there are null/blank values. If set to False, then calculations will set the control to null/blank if any one of the tags in the calculation is blank – this is handy for important formulas where all values MUST be entered. Default is True.
  • Set money controls to be read only in the pane if they contain a calculation
  • Added setting setting to set the notes that appear in the pane when a money calculation/value is set
  • Added setting setting to set the notes that appear in the pane when an Optional Paragraph has a condition set
  • Added check for Repeaters/Repeater Lists/Repeater Tables where ShowingPlaceHolderText returns False but the control range contains the place holder text
  • Improved exploding of nested Repeaters/Repeater Lists/Repeater Tables
  • Improved loading of Repeater/Repeater List/Repeater Table editor dialogs
  • Added default text. Repeater notes now support {GroupName} and {ItemName} within the help text.
  • Set all of the default notes within the addin so they no longer need to appear in the settings file. Settings file/database can be used to override the default values.
  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraphs and Dropdowns not updating when associated to a Contact, User or Custom Group
  • Updated dropdowns to support syncing with SelectParagraphs with more than 26 options
  • Updated logging of events/macros to show when they are successfully called instead of logging on failure/exception
  • Updated Edit Select Paragraph form to update the default text/options when a new option is added/edited
  • Deprecated DataCounter control
  • Disabled Add button for Repeaters, Repeater Lists and Repeater Tables if the number of items is greater then or equal to the max count of the related Group
  • Updated Repeater, Repeater List and Repeater Table to show splash screen when deleting an item
  • Set splash screen to clear last status message before closing
  • Added Editor options to Optional Paragraphs to allow editors to be able to Reset an Optional Paragraph with a condition
  • Updated Dropdown controls to process any related controls with conditions
  • Updated DocAssist_Hide style to clear SpaceAfterAuto and SpaceBeforeAuto setting to improve spacing
  • Fixed issue with updating all Conditional optional paragraphs in populate data, dropdowns, repeaters, repeater lists and repeater tables (previously only updated the first condition)
  • Moved processing of Conditions in Populate Data to before processing of groups to resolve issue with optional paragraphs containing repeaters not exploding
  • Updated Repeaters to not process a repeater inside itself with the same name as it creates an infinite loop
  • Fixed Update button on Edit Repeater List and Edit Repeater Table dialogs

v1.2.1012 24/08/2023

  • Fixed issue with Office details not populating
  • Updated the Client and Matter details tab – provides Tag details in Help, general tidy up and reorg of values. Added summary of contacts. Tag values only appear for users in the Editor role.
  • Fixed issue with Document Details not appearing in the Client and Matter Details tab for Work 10
  • Fixed issue with FreeText controls being lost when PopulateData runs
  • Added new setting StylesMissingWarning to control whether the warning appears if a styleset is missing and doesn’t get applied
  • Updated Contacts to enforce selection of a contact (prevent manually inserting name)
  • Updated Add Contacts dialog to update controls with data if a matter is selected
  • Added updating of sub contacts within repeaters
  • Improved startup performance when database is not connected
  • Updated SQL data class to only attempt connection every 5 minutes if it fails once (reducing the number of timeouts)
  • Fixed Select Letterhead dialog showing some invalid letterhead options if old files with non-Word extensions left in the letterhead directory
  • Fixed Select Style Set dialog showing some invalid style options if old files with non-Word extensions are in the styles directory
  • Updated Edit button functionality for precedent documents
  • Added ClientAddress and ClientAddressBilling tags
  • Added ClientBillingContact details/tags to available client and matter data
  • Added EditMatter and EditClient options to Settings.xml
  • Updated Add Matter and Add Client dialogs to allow for editing clients/matter and related contacts. Added Edit option to Client and Matter lookups
  • Fixed issue with headers and footers in the first page of a section containing an extra paragraph marker
  • Added version/build numbers and bitness for Word and Outlook to logging
  • Fixed issue with Add Select Paragraph option not working correctly if it is the first control added to a new document (i.e. if Config XML is empty)
  • Fixed issue with Multi Select Repeaters only showing first option if configured with List options
  • Fixed issue with Client and Matter details tab not show multiple contacts with the same relationship
  • Update Initialise Document routine to populate author and letterhead if possible. This allows for the use of automated documents without a matter id.
  • Update PopulateContact to retrieve contact details even when no matter id is specified
  • Fixed updating contact saluation controls as part of the populate data routine
  • [Internal] Removed ccContact control (superceded by ContactDetails control)
  • [Internal] Added ConnectionFailed property to DocData class

v1.2.1011 6/07/2023

  • Updated TableRepeater add dialog to set header and summary rows based on table row count (ignoring Header and Summary styles within the Table Theme)
  • Fixed issue with PopulateUser not populating the “ID” property (was using UserID instead)
  • Updated EvaluateCondition to now use NCalc/UpdateString for evaluation, so now supports all Tags and maths routines
  • Added “Conditions” for Optional Paragraphs. Note that if a condition is specified the WriteBack and TriState options are disabled.
  • Added “TriState” property for Optional Paragraphs (controls whether the “Unanswered” option is available)
  • Added support for “TriState” to Optional Paragraphs that use the Checkbox layout. Selecting the undefined state will show the “Unanswered” option in the document.
  • Deprecated the “OptionalParagraphConditions” setting
  • Deprecated the “OptionalParagraphCheckState” setting
  • Added check for “Conditions” when adding controls to the Prompt pane
  • Fixed issue with Optional Paragraphs not automatically updating when populating data (matter or author change)
  • Fixed issue with Work 10 footer not updating
  • Set NetDocuments installers to not register the NetDocuments.Client.COM.tlb file
  • Added IndexSyncGroups to Edit Groups dialog
  • Edit Groups dialog allows for creation of content controls for Cusom groups without selecting any controls. It will now use the existing controls within the document instead.
  • Edit Groups dialog allows you to specify what controls appear on the pane within the group as well as their order
  • Changes to PopulateData routine to improve performance

v1.2.1010 14/6/2023

  • Resolve issue with splash screen remaining onscreen if Prompt option called too quickly if there is a SelectPara on the prompt
  • Improved detection of splash screen already displayed to prevent excessive/conflicting calls to display and close
  • Added Displaying property to splash screen to use instead of Visible
  • Updated Prompt button to correctly switch focus in the pane to the Automation tab if it’s not selected
  • Updated Prompt button to not refresh the pane if the pane is already displayed
  • Removed labels from check boxes within the prompt pane
  • Added context menu for right click to checkboxes and date controls within the prompt pane
  • Fixed MatterDefaultAuthor setting not working
  • Added validation in GetAuthor routine to check if the author saved in the document is still valid (invalid authors saved in to Precedents etc should no longer appear – will set to current user instead)
  • Fixed issue with controls in Custom Groups not updating correctly when creating the group
  • Added automatic conversion of selected controls when creating a Custom Group
  • Updated Create Groups option to not add Ordinal and Index as attributes within the ConfigXML
  • Added MergeConfiguration(ConfigXML1, ConfigXML2) and MergeDocumentConfiguration(Doc, ConfigXML) routines – allows for merging document configurations from clauses and other documents
  • Added InsertClause(Filename) routine – allows for inserting a file as a clause in to the current selection, and copies across all required meta data for DocAssist
  • Improved performance of getting settings from the database on startup
  • Updated Telerik controls to version 2023.2.606
  • Fixed issue with formatting of money controls in Repeater Lists and Tables

v1.2.1009 5/5/2023

  • Updated the letterhead insertion routine to no longer use Copy/Paste to address an issue with the paste command failing on some machines
  • Improved logging for letterhead insertion
  • Fixed issue with WithinTable attribute not being removed on Repeaters when turned off in the edit dialog
  • Fixed issue with updating repeaters when the WithinTable atribute is not set correctly
  • Updated splash screen to only appear after a set amount of time (configurable in settings.xml )
  • Updated PopulateData to hide splash screen before displaying license warning dialogs
  • Removed “Show handwritten date option” from the Time control in the Add/Edit Control dialog
  • Added logging for what roles a user is assigned via the database
  • Added logging of Word version and bitness on addin start up
  • Added check for AutoSaveOn and disable auto saving during populate document. Requires new macros in DocAssistUser.dotm template
  • Added check for IsInAutoSave on BeforeSave event to stop it running on auto saves (process should now only run on actual user saves)
  • Fixed issue where an exception appears when selecting a user in the prompt pane and the matter id is invalid

v1.2.1008 27/04/2023

  • Updated GetDocumentDOCGUID with optional CreateID parameter to allow for not creating document GUID automatically
  • Added logging to the Document_BeforeClose, Document_BeforeSave, Document_AfterSave, Document_BeforePrint, Document_Open events
  • Adding logging settings to the settings.xml file
  • Added sort options for Clause Location control
  • General fixes and improvements to clause options to improve performance
  • Fixed GetBooleanOnXpath routine to allow for “false” values from the settings file instead of setting to DefaultValue instead
  • Fixed date control not updating locked controls when updated related controls with Value/DefaultValue set
  • Updated UpdateString routine so ReturnBlankIfTagsRemain is now True by default (previously False) This addresses an issue with money controls returning incorrect values when some tags were blank.
  • Added iManage Profile Defaults form for iManage Work 10 integration
  • Fixed issue with labels within repeaters and clauses not being visible when Office theme set to Dark Gray or Black
  • Fixed some layout and spacing issues with repeaters
  • Fixed issue with repeaters losing document formatting in some instances
  • Fixed scaling issues with Finalise document dialog
  • Added population of DataLists to the Add Control dialog for DropDown and Combo controls
  • Added population of IndexSyncGroups to the Add Control dialog for DropDown and Combo controls
  • Added Show “Allow for handwritten date” option to Add Control dialog for Date controls
  • Added Select Connection and Edit Connection dialogs for editor users to select which database connection to use (allows for switching between environments)
  • Improved performance in UpdateSelection method
  • Added ResetForms option to AddinUtilities (ResetForms(optional ShowWarning = false)). Allows users to reset all their forms when they may not be appearing due to changed monitor setup.
  • Fixed issue with MultiSelect paragraphs with IndexSyncGroup specified not syncing other paragraphs or writing back answers
  • Added check to prevent updating the current control when a MultiSelect paragraph has an IndexSyncGroup (was updating the same control twice)
  • Removed IndexSync option from Add Control dialog for Dropdowns and Combos (use IndexSyncGroup option instead)
  • Removed IndexSync option from Select Paragraph dialog (use IndexSyncGroup option instead)
  • Fixed issue with custom Repeaters clearing deleted items from the matter even when WriteBack was not on
  • Fixed issue with custom Repeaters losing data when a document is first opened and there is data already in the custom repeater, as the data was not already in the cache
  • Fixed issue with custom Group WriteBack setting not applying to individual controls within the Group causing controls not to WriteBack (previously you had to set the writeback when creating the control within the group)
  • Fixed issue with caching controls within Custom Repeaters when multiple Repeaters linked to the same Group and the Repeater does not contain all Controls specified in the list of attributes
  • Fixed issue with items remaining in the cache after being deleted from the custom Repeater
  • Fixed issue with custom Groups writing back Ordinal and Index values if added to a repeating Control (Ordinal and Index values no longer added to Config XML)
  • Fixed issue with context menu appearing at the top left of screen when selecting Custom in the Groups dialog
  • Fixed issue with some controls not updating during populate data routine
  • Fixed issue with RepeaterLists and RepeaterTables not automatically updating/exploding during populate data routine
  • Optimise WriteBack process when deleting items from a Repeater, RepeaterList or RepeaterTable. Now writes once instead of per attribute x items moved (when deleting an item not at the end of the list)
  • Fixed issue where the last item would not delete from a Repeater, RepeaterList or RepeaterTable
  • Updated XML Merge routine to remove all blank tags after merging. This will remove all blank tags as part of writeback
  • Fixed issue with nested Repeaters, RepeaterLists and RepeaterTables not automatically exploding
  • Fixed issue with layout of Add/Edit Select Paragraphs dialog (buttons missing in some instances)
  • Added Dynamic Hyperlinks option
  • Fixed issue with text control losing focus when updating the document
  • Added Count attribute to WriteBack for Groups linked to Repeaters, RepeaterLists and Repeater tables. Writes Back as GroupName_Count. This allows for easier syncing of data across documents (doesn’t need to calculate based on data)
  • Fixed issue with multiselect paragraphs in prompt pane not showing selected options when first displayed
  • Fixed spacing after tables for RepeaterTables

v1.2.1007 10/03/2023

  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraph question and option text not appearing correctly on dark themes
  • Added Apply margins check box to Apply Styles dialog (defaults to the value of StylesApplyMargins from settings)
  • Improved error handling around reading margins from style document/templates
  • Fixed default width of text control in the prompt pane
  • Fixed issue with the Add Control dialog not updating titles and placeholders for existing content controls
  • Remove references to Mosmar in license info class and dialogs
  • Update MatterDetails control to no longer use Tab key to move focus

v1.2.1006 8/02/2023

  • Fixed issue with labels not being visible when Office theme set to Dark Gray or Black
  • Fixed spacing/alignment of ccText control within the prompt pane
  • New Repeater Tables option
  • Added DocumentIDUnmanagedFilter option – allows for a reg ex to extract details from a given string/filename. Can be used for getting the Work 10 footer value between the brackets for example.
  • (?<=()\d+.\d+(?=))
  • Added fix for document content not displaying when selecting New from the context menu in File Explorer in Windows 11

v1.2.1005 13/08/2022

  • Updated to use Microsoft.Data.SQLClient instead of System.Data.SQLClient as it supports Active Directory interactive logins and multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Added list options to multi-select paragraphs
  • Added support for more than 26 options for select and multi-select paragraphs
  • Updated select and optional paragraphs to display the entire question within the prompt screen (previously only showed one line, now it will display as many lines as required)
  • Fixed issue with money controls not updating format when value entered directly in to the control within the document. Value now updates on exiting the control.
  • Fixed issue with exponent calculations not correctly picking up bracket groupings
  • Added support for auto-totalling repeater values – specify default value or value of a control to be the of the format =[GroupItemName[#]Attribute]. For example =[Loan[#]Amount]
  • Fixed issue with workingdays calculations that started on a Saturday
  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraph control on the prompt pane causing Word to crash when display screen scaling set to > 100%
  • Updated navigation dropdown to not show hidden bookmarks
  • Various updates data caching
    • – no longer updates with control update timer (every 300ms by default)
    • – updates only on selection change (same as writeback)
    • – money controls are correctly formatted and cached
    • – improved performance (removed get index and add control routines into single save control routine)

v1.2.1004 14/07/2022

  • Improved automatic detection of when Repeater List needs updating when placeholder is showing
  • Changed Precedent Library default button caption from Open to Create
  • Improve speed/usability of text controls in the prompt pane by adding timer to minimise updates. Also added to Outlook.
  • Updated Save Clipping and Rename Clipping dialogs for high DPI screens
  • Updated Delete Clipping confirmation dialog to include clipping name
  • Fixed focus in emails when moving to next control to improve usability
  • Fixed updating of email subject when author name changes
  • Improved performance of Repeaters and Repeater Lists (approximately 9 times faster)
  • Fixed issue with custom repeaters losing data on document open due to group count being cleared
  • Fixed issue with calculation of custom group count
  • Fixed SyncRange function (used to update the data in a control that contains controls) to use matter data if available and not other controls with a matching tag found
  • Clean up paths for Clippings location to remove leading and trailing whitepaces as it caused issues when saving a retrieving clippings
  • Updated Precedent Notes option to insert a next page section break instead of a continuous section break to address issues reported with footers incorrectly updating in document
  • Updated Precedent Notes option to support using clippings (code to use is PrecedentNotes)
  • Fixed issue with Select Paragraph controls in emails that only contain a table not updating correctly after changing an option
  • Fixed issue with money controls not grouping digits

v1.2.1003 9/05/2022

  • Allow for use of DocumentID tag as well as DocID in footers
  • Removed cleanup of carriage returns in Clause controls
  • Improved insertion of Repeater List controls

v1.2.1002 23/11/2021

  • Updated Splash Screen – updated image, added status lines
  • Updated populate data routine to provide more feedback to splash screen
  • Added Add Contact Controls option for editors
  • Fixed scaling of Finalise dialog on high DPI screens
  • Updated Finalise to work across shapes with textframes
  • Redact user id and password in connection string in debug logs. Log connection string on startup of add-in only, not on every connection.
  • Inline repeaters/Repeater Lists – allows for creating lists for items within a group
  • Fixed issue with 1pt font appearing in Advanced Search options after doing a Finalise
  • Writeback for contacts updated to write back attributes specified in ContactAttributes datalist to the contact, and all other extended values back to the matter
  • Updated UpdateString routine to remove preceeding/trailing operator (based on location) if the tag value is blank to allow calculations to still work

v1.2.1001 30/7/2021

  • Resolve issues with Rename Controls option not renaming controls if listed in config XML
  • Update Rename Controls dialog to not automatically update the Title and Placeholder when tag is changed
  • Update Rename Controls option to check for LookupIndex value and prompt to change for user and contact lookups
  • Allow List control to use a specified list of items without the need for a data list
  • Add advanced options to Finalise dialog
  • Fix spacing for contact lookups (ContactDetails control)
  • Improve speed/usability of text controls by adding timer to minimise updates
  • Various fixes for Repeaters
    • – Fix issue with last control not appearing for controls within a table
  • Updated icons/colour scheme
  • Various pane layout/spacing improvements

v1.1.1009 18/01/2019 

New features 

  • Custom Repeaters – Repeaters to support other controls outside of contacts and Users 
  • Ability to return integer (number of days) base on two different dates 
  • Make Precedent Library available in Outlook 
  • Ability to set the email subject based on matter data 
  • Quick Search tab added to the DocAssist Pane 
  • Allow Pane Wizard to include Optional and Select paragraphs 

Feature changes 

  • Improve DocAssist speed and screen refresh 
  • Improve Index Sync Mapping between dropdowns 
  • Improve Writeback on controls populated from an Index Sync Group 
  • Improve control order and visibility when utilising the Pane Wizard 
  • Improve Repeaters when added to the DocAssist Pane 
  • Ensure that the conversion prompt is supressed when DocAssist runs an InsertFile Command 
  • Improve Message when Clippings is first used, to let users know that the clipping is being loaded 
  • Ensure that when user clicks Clippings that a clipping is not already selected, and requires a user to make a selection first before it shows the preview. 
  • Improve nested content controls 
  • Improve Multi Select paragraphs 
  • Improve Multi Select Contact Control 
  • Improve Optional Paragraph to ensure that numbering is not left behind when users answer ‘No’ 

iManage Feature Changes 

  • Improve refresh of clause controls – so refresh only happens when a new document is created